Small Business
Nonprofit | Small Business | E-Commerce
Pattern Platform
New brand identity, logo, and website for Pattern Resource Group, including a separate app icon for the Pattern for Life app.

Ozarks Small Business Incubator
We had the pleasure of meeting and working with the fine folks at Ozarks Small Business Incubator to create a fresh new look for their brand.

Wickman's Garden Village
We reimagined the entire brand identity for a local greenhouse. Our goal was to breathe some contemporary life and color into their logo and brand, while still paying homage to their roots (pun intended).

Liming Concrete Website
We brought Liming Concrete’s digital presence up to par with the service and quality they provide to their customers.

Generush Website
We redesigned the Generush website with a delightful user interface that focuses on conversions.

Harp Creative
We designed a fresh logo and a new website to showcase Harp Creative’s outstanding work.